Congestive Heart Failure by
the Numbers1
More than 8 million Americans are estimated to have CHF by 2030, resulting in
in direct CHF medical costs
indirect CHF costs
total cardiovascular care direct costs
Per patient
incremental adjusted annual medical costs for CHF
Per patient
total annual medical costs for CHF
*2010 dollars
1. J Card Fail. 2023; 29 P1412-1451

Corstasis Therapeutics’ products, including RSQ-777 and related investigational therapies, are under clinical investigation and have not been approved by regulatory authorities, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or equivalent global agencies. Their safety, efficacy, and clinical use have not been established. All information provided is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or a recommendation for use. For questions about medical conditions or treatment options, please consult a qualified healthcare professional.